Advertising and sponsorship

Interested in getting your products or services in front of more than 450 engaged sports marketers?

The Online Rule's subscribers are a mix of operations and C-suite staff at clubs around the world. They all have one thing in common: they love their roles, and they're always looking for opportunities to improve.

If you have a product or service that can help teams increase sponsorship revenue, boost attendances at matches, or help them manage online interactions more efficiently, then I'd be happy to discuss sponsoring one - or several - editions of the weekly newsletter.

Since launching in October 2023, the newsletter's open rate has consistently been above 50%. The newsletter adds around 25 new subscribers each month, with fewer than 10 unsubscribes since that October launch date.

If you want to see how popular the website is and where traffic comes from, take a look at the public dashboard.

Email me at if you'd like to discuss any advertising or sponsorship opportunities.