Here are the marketing clauses included in the Standard Premier League Playing Contract

While the Football Leaks website is making headlines around the world for revealing the salaries and bonuses some of the world’s biggest players are earning, we’re not too concerned by that. Instead, it was the terms and conditions relating to “community public relations and marketing” in the Standard Premier League Playing Contract that caught our attention.
The extracts below were taken from the leak of Memphis Depay’s contract. We’re not linking direct to it – nor revealing the personal details contained – as it’s the marketing clauses our readers will be more interested in.
The first section – community public relations and marketing – is part of the Standard Premier League Playing Contract. The second bit – Commercial Rights – is from the club-specific part of the contract, although we imagine most teams have something similar in there.
It’s quite dry, and there’s nothing particularly scandalous included, however we thought it would be of interest to some of our readers.
4. Community public relations and marketing
4.1 For the purposes of the promotional community and public relations activities of the Club and/or (at the request of the Club) of any sponsors or commercial partners of the Club and/or of the League and/or of any main sponsors of the League the Player shall attend at and participate in such events as may reasonably be required by the Club including but not limited to appearances and the granting of interviews and photographic opportunities as authorised by the Club. The Club shall give reasonable notice to the Player of the Club’s requirements and the Player shall make himself available for up to six hours per week of which approximately half shall be devoted to the community and public relations activities of the Club. No photograph of the Player taken pursuant to the provisions of this clause 4.1 shall be used by the Club or any other person to imply any brand or product endorsement by the Player.
4.2 Whilst he is providing or performing the services set out in this contract (including travelling on Club business) the Player shall:
4.2.1 wear only such clothing as is approved by an authorised official of the Club; and
4.2.2 not display any badge mark logo trading name or message on any item of clothing without the written consent of an authorised official of the Club provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent the Player wearing and/or promoting football boots and in the case of a goalkeeper gloves of his choice.
4.3 Subject in any event to clause 4.4 and except to the extent of any commitments already entered into by the Player as at the date hereof or when on international duty in relation to the Players’ national football association UEFA or FIFA he shall not (without the written consent of the Club) at any time during the term of this contract do anything to promote endorse or provide promotional marketing or advertising services or exploit the Player’s Image either (a) in relation to any person in respect of such person’s products brand or services which conflict or compete with any of the Club’s club branded or football related products (including the Strip) or any products brand or services of the Club’s two main sponsors/commercial partners or of the League’s one principal sponsor or (b) for the League
4.4 The Player agrees that he will not either on his own behalf or with or through any third party undertake promotional activities in a Club Context nor exploit the Player’s Image in a Club Context in any manner and/or in any Media nor grant the right to do so to any third party.
4.5 Except to the extent specifically herein provided or otherwise specifically agreed with the Player nothing in this contract shall prevent the Player from undertaking promotional activities or from exploiting the Player’s Image so long as:
4.5.1 the said promotional activities or exploitation do not interfere or conflict with the Player’s obligations under this contract; and
4.5.2 the Player gives reasonable advance notice to the Club of any intended promotional activities or exploitation.
4.6 The Player hereby grants to the Club the right to photograph the Player both individually and as a member of a squad and to use such photographs and the Player’s Image in a Club Context in connection with the promotion of the Club and its playing activities and the promotion of the League and the manufacture sale distribution licensing advertising marketing and promotion of the Club’s club branded and football related products (including the Strip) or services (including such products or services which are endorsed by or produced under licence from the Club) and in relation to the League’s licensed products services and sponsors in such manner as the Club may reasonably think fit so long as:
4.6.1 the use of the Player’s photograph and/or Player’s Image either alone or with not more than two other players at the Club shall be limited to no greater usage than the average for all players regularly in the Club’s first team;
4.6.2 the Player’s photograph and/or Player’s Image shall not be used to imply any brand or product endorsement by the Player; and
4.6.3 PROVIDED that all rights shall cease on termination of this contract save for the use and/or sale of any promotional materials or products as aforesaid as shall then already be manufactured or in the process of manufacture or required to satisfy any outstanding orders.
4.7 In its dealings with any person permitted by the Club to take photographs of the Player the Club shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the copyright of the photographs so taken is vested in the Club and/or that no use is made of the said photographs without the Club’s consent and in accordance with the provisions of this contract.
4.8 The Player shall be entitled to make a responsible and reasonable reply or response to any media comment or published statements likely to adversely affect the Player’s standing or reputation and subject as provided for in clause 3.2.5 to make contributions to the public media in a responsible manner.
4.9 In this clause 4 where the context so admits the expression “the Club” includes any Associated Company of the Club but only to the extent and in the context that such company directly or indirectly provides facilities to or undertakes commercial marketing or public relations activities for the Club and not so as to require the consent of any Associated Company when consent of the Club is required.
4.10 For the purposes of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 nothing in this clause 4 is intended to nor does it give to the League any right to enforce any of its provisions against the Club or the Player.
4.11 Nothing in this clause 4 shall prevent the Club from entering into other arrangements additional or supplemental hereto or in variance hereof in relation to advertising marketing and/or promotional services with the Player or with or for all or some of the Club’s players (including the Player) from time to time. Any other such arrangements which have been agreed as at the date of the signing of this contract and any image contract or similar contract required to be set out in this contract by the League Rules are set out in Schedule 2 paragraph 13.
So now you know.